School of Architecture, Tianjin University
Teaching Area:Urban and Rural Design Studio, Urban Sociology
Research Theme: Urban Sociology, Community Planning
SHENG Mingjie is the associate professor of the school of architecture, Tianjin University. She holds a bachelor degree in architecture and a Ph.D. in urban planning from Tsinghua University. And she worked as an exchanging scholar at Tufts University in 2015. Trained in architecture and urban planning, she has focused her research and teaching on urban sociology, and particularly, the neighborhood effects. Based on a variety of individual- and neighborhood-level data, she tries to untangle the profound effects neighborhoods place on individuals' socioeconomic and health status. Her research contributes to the academic world by completing theoretical framework for China's community planning based on neighborhood effect analysis. Her research will make community planning an effective way to enhance overall well-being of the individuals.