School of Architecture, Tianjin University
Teaching Area: design studio, theory of contemporary architecture
Research Theme: sustainable architecture, green building assessment, theory of contemporary architecture
Prof. Dr. LIU Conghong is a full time professor in School of Architecture, Tianjin University. She is now a committee member of China Green Building and Energy Conservation Committee and a Member of Tianjin Historical Building Protection Expert Consultation Committee. Her research focuses on the theory and method of sustainable architecture design, green building assessment and green technologies in the renovation of historic buildings. She is responsible for the “Green Building Studio” of the 4th year students in Tianjin University. In recent years, she and her team members are working on several national important research projects, which include projects from NSFC, China-EU International Science & Technology Cooperation Program and National Key R&D Program of China. Supported by the research projects, papers and conference presentations are published, new buildings and renovated buildings integrated with green concepts and technologies are fulfilled. Her green design works and publications are influential and some of them have won the national or provincial prizes. Some of the research and design works are with Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University UK, American and German Partners.