Urban morphology: theory and development
This lecture covers the key concepts of different approaches of urban morphology, including the historico-geographic approach, process typological approach, and the configurational approach. It introduces the origins of the approaches and their theoretical development, as well as their applications to the description and prescription of urban form. These approaches provide us powerful tools to understand not only the characteristics of urban form but also their transformation. Such understanding is important for generating appropriate urban interventions in contemporary cities.
Urban morphology: current research
This lecture introduces three projects in the field of urban morphology that were carried out by Dr Chen’s group and collaborators in recent years. The first project is a typomorphological exploration of Chinese cities that aims to sustain their cultural identity. The second one is an impact assessment on the effect of typological process on sense of place, taking residential development in Ankara, turkey as case studies. The third one looks into the integration of different approaches of urban morphology and their potential in guide regeneration decisions in Liverpool, UK. These projects demonstrate the benefit of urban morphology in design, planning and sustainable urban development of various contexts.