The ENVIRONMENT-BEHAVIOR STUDIO consists of Prof. ZHANG Xinnan, associate Professor YUAN Yiqian, associate Professor LI Wei, associate Professor SONG Yilin and young teachers, postgraduate students and interns, maintaining the scale of 20-25 staff.
The studio is dedicated to the research on Psychology in Architectural Environment, quantitative research on Environmental psychology and behavior, artificial intelligence research on Environmental psychology and behavior, Human factors and ergonomic, regional architecture. From the needs of Psychology in Architectural Environment, it aims to construct the relationship between built environment and human behaviour, research the livability in spatial experience and environment-behavior of Architecture and urban. especially for the aging, children, and special populations and post occupancy evaluation- physiological livability and psychological livability.
The Studio is mainly engaged in public buildings design and housing design. From 2012, he supervised students won over 200 national and international architecture design competition and got over 30 excellent supervisor awards. He has published more than 60 academic papers in international and domestic academic journals and international conferences, more than 10 paper included by SCI/EI.